Disclaimer / Legal
This website offers information about our company, products, and services available to qualified investors by invitation only and should not be regarded as an invitation to do business with us or financial advice. Due to the nature of the agricultural industry, amongst others, the General Partner may need more time to obtain the liquidity required to pay back Limited Partners, or may be unable to make repayments to Limited Partners in the case of extraordinary events, such as force majeure and vis major. If the withdrawal or repayment of a Major Withdrawal will harm the Partnership Net Value or the remaining Limited Partners, the General Partner can postpone repayment until further notice. We require you to consult with a financial planner/advisor prior to acting based on the information presented. The website provides financial and technical information, but it could become outdated quickly. The website does not assume any liability resulting from the reliance on outdated information. The website makes every effort to provide accurate information on an ongoing basis. The website may utilise “cookies” and other similar technologies from time to time to enhance the customer experience, as covered by the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 on privacy in electronic communications. We retain all copyright and other intellectual property rights of all material, including logos and other graphics and multimedia works published on or via the website.
Our investment management service is dedicated to the best interests of our qualified clients and upholding values such as integrity, skill, care, and diligence. As part of our commitment to fairness, we have a Conflicts of Interest Policy in place setting out how we identify and manage actual / perceived conflicts of interest during business and rendering services. This is available on request from our Compliance Department.
We adhere to the values of honesty, integrity and confidentiality in all our qualified client engagements, and respect our clients’ right to privacy. We work diligently to safeguard their personal information and collect only what is necessary for our services. Information collected may be shared with third parties under strict confidentiality to perform their contractual obligations.
Our commitment to exceptional service includes a Complaints Resolution System and Procedure that ensures all complaints are taken seriously. Prompt resolution of complaints is a priority. We believe that this system is essential to our ongoing development and improvement and continue to strive for excellence in all aspects of our work. Please contact our Compliance Department in this regard. Alternatively, if you wish to submit a formal complaint, please send the relevant details to complaints@bullseyecapital.co.za for resolution.
FSCA Complaints ProcedureThe company urges you to be cautious and vigilant against all types of online fraud, risks, and threats. With the increasing interconnectivity of our world, cybercriminals look for every opportunity to exploit any weaknesses in online security. Please do not share your personal information, such as passwords, with strangers or suspicious websites. Be cautious of unconventional payment requests, fraudulent emails, and suspicious links pretending to be from the company. Let’s work together to keep our online interactions safe and secure. If in doubt of anything suspicious, please contact the office to assist you in this regard.